Use our calculator to determine the amount of wallpaper you should order for your project. This tool automatically includes a 10% waste factor to account for trimming and minor adjustments, but you may want to order a little extra for potential errors or seamless crossover image matching. We offer two roll widths: 25.5” and 54”. The 25.5” width is ideal for DIY installers, as the narrower panels make application easier. The 54” width is better suited for those with experience in wallcovering installation, as it is a little more challenging but, requires handling fewer panels for a more seamless look.

Be sure to select your preferred width on the product page before placing your order!

How Much To Order

How Much to Order

  • Round up to the nearest inch
  • Measure the entirety of the wall including windows and doors
  • Measure the tallest wall for your height

Wall Square Footage: 0 sq ft

Linear Feet Needed: 0

We have factored in an additional 10%, but we recommend that you purchase more in case of install issues.